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Arius leptaspis, also known as the Salmon Tail Catfish, can grow up to 32 inches in length. Therefore, they must be kept in a very large aquarium. Though they prefer freshwater conditions, they will also tolerate brackish water. Salmontail catfish are mostly nocturnal and swim ceaselessly throughout the day. In addition to this, their slimy skin makes them more sensitive to sharp-edged gravel; thus, it is advised that only rounded gravel should be added to the aquarium. Care must also be taken while handling them as they possess a sharp spine on both their dorsal and pectoral fins which may cause injury and infection if not handled properly.
Salmontail catfish have a hearty appetite, readily accepting sinking pellets as well as vegetable matter and the occasional treat of meaty foods such as chopped shrimp or frozen seafood. They also eat chopped fruit. Unfortunately, these fish grow to be so large that they are not known to breed successfully in aquariums. In the wild, their broods can range up to 60 eggs, with the male taking on the role of parental guardian nest guard until the eggs hatch and the fry are large enough to take care of themselves - around 6-8 weeks after hatching. Once frree swimming, theyare able to feed themselves by eating zooplankton and other small food stuffs.