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The Alenquer Discus is a special kind of fish bred to have bright red colors. People really like these fish and keep them in aquariums. These fish originally come from places with shaded water, branches, and lots of hiding spots. When you keep them in a tank, it's important to create an environment similar to their natural home.
For these fish to stay healthy, the water in the tank needs to be just right—warm, soft, and a bit acidic. When Alenquer Discus are ready to have babies, they become a bit territorial. It's a good idea to let them pair up naturally or have an already established pair.
When they lay eggs, they choose a flat surface, like a broad leaf or the side of the aquarium. After the babies (called fry) are born, it's essential not to separate them from their parents because they eat a special substance from their parents to grow.
Alenquer Discus mostly eat meat. They like foods such as freeze-dried bloodworms, tubifex, special pellets, high-quality flakes, and frozen meaty foods. Giving them a variety of foods keeps them healthy and happy.