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The peppermint catfish is certainly a favourite of all the staff at Melbourne Tropical Fish.
Peppermints are the most attractive and desired catfish from the Bristlenose family. The Bristlenose catfish are tank cleaners that you will find in just about any aquarium, they do a fantastic job of eating left over food and keeping algae under control.
Very attractive algae eater, black with star-like white spots. Juveniles are more boldly marked than adults. Difficult to breed (typically successfully bred in Discus-type conditions: soft acidic water and warm temperatures up to 23 to 27C
The Peppermint pleco lives in Rio Xingu in Brazil . (Rio Xingu is tributary of the Amazon River and is located in the north-eastern part of Brazil.
In the wild, the Peppermint pleco feeds chiefly on algae, but it will happily gulp down insect larvae and other small animals if given the opportunity. The Peppermint pleco should not be forced to live on natural algae growth only in the aquarium - always supplement with algae based prepared foods and fresh vegetables. It will also benefit from occasional servings of meaty food, but only in very limited amounts. Its long intestine is adapted to an algae-based diet and a diet rich in protein and fat and low in fibre can make the Peppermint pleco ill.
The Peppermint Bristlenose Catfish is quite flexible in its water requirements. It can live in water ranging from soft to hard, with a Gh range of from 2 to 20. Acid, neutral or alkaline pH all seem OK, although I would not subject this fish to extremes.
Although this is a tropical fish, it is not very tolerant of high temperatures. The generally recommended temperature range is from 23 to 27 degrees C (73 to 81 degrees F).
· Ancistrus sp.
· Common Name Peppermint Bristlenose
· Origin South America
· Diet Herbivore
· PH Range 7.8
· Temperature Tropical 26m 28°c
· Breed Type Egg Layer
· Current Size approximately 3cm (Grows to approximately 12cm
· Sex Un-sexed