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Melbourne Tropical Fish now have limited stocks of Orange Venezuelan Cory Catfish (Corydoras aeneus "Venezuela") in our store.
The Orange Venezuelan Cory Catfish, also known as Corydoras aeneus "Venezuela," is a unique color variant of the popular Bronze Cory Catfish. This fish develops a bright orange coloration along its back as it matures, which contrasts beautifully with the metallic blue-green coloration along its sides. While this variant is not commonly available, it is a peaceful schooling fish that can be kept with most nano aquarium animals, including dwarf cichlids and angelfish. However, it may prey on smaller dwarf shrimp and should be kept on sand or smooth gravel substrate to avoid damaging its delicate barbels and underbelly. This fish is undemanding and will accept most dry, frozen, and live foods. It is adaptable to most tropical freshwater conditions, as long as regular maintenance is performed and sudden changes are avoided. The Orange Venezuelan Cory Catfish is a unique and hardy addition to any aquarium, and thrives in schools in well-planted aquaria.
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