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Neon Red Blue Eyes (Pseudomugil luminatus) Pair - (Male and Female)
Melbourne Tropical Fish received, some spectacular rare fish know as Neon Red Blue Eyes. We were very excited to receive just a few pairs of these stunning fish. These fish were bred right here in Australia
Pseudomugil Luminatus is a species of fish native to swamps in Papua, Indonesia. This species of fish is part of the subfamily Pseudomugilinae and has been locally bred in Australia, making it highly sought after by aquarists. Its features create an absolutely breathtaking appearance, with its stunning neon blue-eye colouring. Its small size also makes it an ideal candidate for nano tanks!
Pseudomugil luminatus, commonly known as the Red Neon Rainbowfish or Blue-Eyed Fish, is a species of fish derived from the Greek words "pseudo" meaning false and "mugil" meaning mullet. Referring to its shape which resembles that of the mullet fish, but is not related. When placed in water, these fish have beautiful blue eyes that can glitter in the light, thus giving it its sparkling nickname.
Pseudomugil luminatus, commonly known as blue-eyed rainbowfish, are omnivorous. These fish have a very varied diet and can be fed different types of food including vegetables and meat-based items such as frozen woodworms, zooplanktons, flakes, pellets and live food like small brine shrimp, mosquito larvae and daphnia. For optimal health and colouration, it's important to give them a combination of both high-quality flakes and live or frozen protein sources to help build body mass. It is also important to interchange the food they eat to ensure their diet remains healthy and balanced.
The Red Neon Blue Eye Rainbowfish (Pseudomugil luminatus) is an ideal species for aquarium hobbyists to breed. Once they have established themselves within the tank, it's easy to begin the breeding process. To encourage them to do so, you will need a mature group of males and females as well as a floating spawning mop extending from the top of your tank down to its substrate.