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The Java Fern, scientifically known asÃÂÃÂ Microsorum pteropusÃÂÃÂ is a classic and very popular aquarium plant
This delicate looking fern adds a beautiful look to aquariums. ItâÃÂÃÂs widely used due to its slow growth, unique shape and ease of reproduction and care.
It can be kept with a wide range of fish and doesnâÃÂÃÂt require strict water parameters, which is why it is so appealing to so many people. They are one of the easiest plants to grow
Perhaps one of the most popular species within the Microsorum genus is Microsorum pteropus, otherwise known as Java Fern.
It originated from South East Asia and is a jungle plant which typically grows on rocks, the ground and around tree trucks along the waterline of steams and waterfalls. It also grows in tropical rain forests, like grass. It can grow whilst both fully submerged or partially submerged.
Java Fern has been in the hobby for a long time, and over the years new varieties have been developed. The most popular ones youâÃÂÃÂll find in fish stores are narrow leaf, needle leaf, trident and windelov.