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The Longfin Cherry Barb is a small fish, about 3cm in size. It comes from streams and rivers in Sri Lanka. In its natural habitat, it likes slow-moving, shallow water with a silty bottom, branches, and leaf litter. This fish is not picky about its food and eats things like diatoms, algae, invertebrates, and detritus.
Cherry Barbs are known for being hardy and are good for people who are new to keeping fish. They eat well and usually get along with other fish in the tank. Taking care of them is relatively easy with regular water changes. If you provide proper care, these fish can be a good choice for beginners.
Since they are omnivores, Cherry Barbs eat various live, fresh, and flake foods. It's recommended to give them high-quality flake food every day and treats like brine shrimp or bloodworms. It's best to feed them several times a day, offering only what they can eat in 3 minutes or less each time. If you feed them once a day, provide an amount they can finish in about 5 minutes.
Cherry Barbs are active swimmers and like to have places to hide in planted areas. They also need open spaces for swimming. If you have a small group of them, you'll need at least a 40-litre aquarium with good filtration and regular water changes. They thrive in tanks that mimic their natural environment, with dense vegetation, floating plants, and a dark substrate. Having an efficient filter and good water movement is important, especially for males to show their vibrant colors.