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The reticulated hillstream loach, also known as the tiger hillstream loach or gold ring butterfly sucker, is a popular variety in the aquarium hobby. This oddball fish, which can grow up to 2.5 inches (6.4 cm), has a streamlined shape, flat underside, and horizontal fins that can grip onto smooth surfaces. Its body is covered in colored spots and dark brown stripes, making it a unique addition to any tank. Hillstream loaches are native to Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia, where they live in shallow riffles, river rapids, and slower-moving stream pools. They are hardy fish that can handle a wide range of environmental conditions, but they prefer a stable pH and good water quality. A range of 65-80°F (20-27°C) is acceptable, but higher temperatures may cause stress and illnesses. Hillstream loaches are known to climb up glass walls, so it's important to keep a tight lid on the aquarium. If your hillstream loach goes missing, check your filter, as they sometimes crawl inside.