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Long Fin Male Siamese fighting fish
Long Fin Male Siamese Fighting Fish come in a range of colours and they have to be among one of the top favourites among the Melbourne Tropical Fish staff. The price range for Siamese range from $7 to $120 for the more exotic varieties. Unlike the human Species, Male Siamese Fighters happen to be more beautiful than their female counterparts
Siamese fighting fish(Betta splendens), commonly known as the Betta is a fresh water fish native toÃSouth East Asia. Particularly male Siamese fighting fish, are stunningly attractive compared to female Bettas that don have long flowing fins. Siamese fighting fish are one of the most beautiful tropical fresh water fish around.
Siamese Betta Fish Requirements
Siamese fighting fish need a minimum of 15 litres tank. Although many people are of the mistaken belief that these beautiful fish can be housed in bowls, Melbourne Tropical Fish do not recommend this and strongly urge that you purchase a small tank. Small tanks suitable for Betta fish are inexpensive and can cost as little as Betta fish require clean water and filtration. Natural aquatic plants make these fish happy. When tank conditions are perfect, the Male Betta will start blowing a bubble nest amongst the plants on the surface indicating that the fish is happy and ready to breed. Siamese fighting fish comes from a tropical climate and a heater is a necessary requirement. Siamese fighting fish are known for their intelligence and curiosity. This is a beginner fish which is rewarding and easy to keep and they have a life span of up to five years.
History of the Siamese Betta
Siamese fighting fish are prevalent to the central plain of Thailand and have been domesticated for at least 1,000 years among the longest of any fish. In Thailand, people call betta fish Pla Kat" which means "fighting fish," The staff at Melbourne Tropical Fish are absolutely passionate about Siamese fighting fish and hence the reason why we have gone into great depths in writing this description. So initially, Siamese fighting Fish were bred for aggression and subject to gambling matches akin to cockfighting which is absolutely abhorrent. Bettas became known outside Thailand through King Rama the third (1788-1851), who is said to have given some to a Danish physician zoologist, and botanist by the name of Theodore CANTOR. Betta fish first appeared in the West in the late 19th century, and within decades became popular as ornamental fish. Their long history of selective breeding has produced a wide variety of coloration and finnage, earning them the moniker, "designer fish of the aquatic world". The Siamese Fighting Fish happens to be the National Aquatic Animal of Thailand which remains the primary breeder and exporter of bettas for the global aquarium market.
Nature of the Betta Fish
Male Bettas are well known for being highly territorial, and will often show aggression to other Male Betta if housed in the same tank. Female bettas can also become territorial towards one another in confined spaces. Bettas are intelligent and will also get extremely excited if they see another female Betta. It is not encouraged to place a Female Betta with a male unless you are serious about breeding them. Easily bred in a home aquarium. The males are bubblenest builders. They blow a large series of accumulated bubbles onto the surface of the water, into which they deposit the eggs released by the female. Once the female releases the eggs into the water, the male will collect them in his mouth, deposit them into the nest and fertilize them.
Betta fish compatibility
With ample space and hiding areas, female bettas may be able to live in a peaceful group. While males will fight with other males and male gouramis (a similar-looking species), they may be able to live singly in a community aquarium containing certain other docile species of fish, such as Cory catfish, kuhli loaches, or guppies. They can also cohabitate with nonfish species, including snails, ghost shrimp, and frogs.
Melbourne Tropical Fish have created a list of what you need to take good care of Siamese Fighting Fish so they are in ideal conditions:
- Minimum 15 litre tank
- Aquarium light
- Heater
- Gravel
- Plants
- Rock
- Driftwood
- Water conditioner / DE chlorinator
- Bio culture
- pH test kit
- Fish Flakes
- Frozen food
- Blackworms