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Fire Red Shrimp is a type of Neocaridinan shrimp that is distinguished by its vibrant and striking red colour. Caring for FS is relatively easy since they are able to adapt to a wide range of water parameters, such as pH 6.5-7.5, gH 6-12, kH 0-10, and TDS 150-300. Breeding Fire Red Shrimp is also quite straight forward if you have one male and female together in the same aquarium. The female shrimp will carry the eggs for around 30 days until they hatch into miniature versions of their parents. It is important to keep only one strain of Neocaridian shrimp per tank to avoid crossbreeding which can revert the offspring back to wild colors. When purchasing Fire Red Shrimp, please be aware that they may have less color than adults due to their juvenile or sub-adult size (around 0.8-1.5cm). Moreover, stress from shipping can cause them to become pale and clear in color but this should improve once acclimated correctly with your tank's water parameters and temperature (18-28°C). The quality of shrimp offered by Melbourne Tropical Fish is of a very high standard.