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Blue Ram
Blue Ram

Blue Ram

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The German Blue Ram is a stunning freshwater fish originating from the Amazon Basin in South America. Belonging to the Cichlid family, it's scientifically known as Mikrogeophagus ramirezi. These fish are cherished for their bright blue coloration and long, flowing fins.


  • Relatively easy to care for, making them suitable for beginners.
  • Peaceful and thrive in community tanks.
  • Need a tank with open space for swimming and hiding places.
  • Prefer warm water, so an aquarium heater may be necessary.
  • Active and enjoy swimming around the tank; may playfully chase each other.


  • Bright yellowish to green body and head.
  • Reddish eyes, yellow or red fins with transparent blue lines.
  • Black front dorsal fin; males have broader dorsal fins than females.
  • Oval-shaped body with a pointed tail and fins.
  • Females have a pink-orange belly and are usually smaller.


  • Grows to around 2 to 2.5 inches, considered a small Cichlid.


  • Gold/silver body with black markings.
  • Tips of fins may be slightly red or orange.
  • Prominent electric blue patches, earning the name "German Blue Ram."

Habitat and Tank Conditions:

  • Native to slow-flowing rivers with sandy beds and vegetation.
  • Tank should mimic their natural habitat: sandy bottom, plants, moderate water movement.
  • Requires around 10 gallons of water per Ram, with attention to water quality.
  • Temperature: 78-85°F, pH: 6.0-7.5, water hardness: 6-14 dGH.


  • Peaceful community fish.
  • Compatible with non-Cichlids and peaceful Dwarf Cichlids.
  • Good tankmates include Silver Dollars, Dwarf Gouramis, Discus, Tetras, and more.
  • Avoid large aggressive fish; ensure non-fish tank mates are too large to fit in their mouths.

Keeping German Blue Rams Together:

  • Can be kept as pairs or alone.
  • If multiple males, ensure a large enough tank for separate territories.
  • Rams may pair themselves up if kept in a group.
  • Remove fish that don't form pairs to prevent aggression.


  • Regular water changes (10%-20% weekly) crucial due to sensitivity to water parameters.
  • Water temperature should not exceed 98°F.
  • Balanced diet including pellets, flakes, vegetables, and live foods.
  • Rams are susceptible to fish tuberculosis; proper care and antibiotics are necessary.


  • Successful breeding possible in captivity.
  • Encourage breeding behavior by keeping a small group together or set up a separate breeding tank.
  • Maintain slightly acidic water, provide hiding places, and offer live foods.
  • Remove parents after egg laying; fry will hatch in about three days.


  • Ideal tank size: Minimum 20 gallons for a pair.
  • Proper care involves clean, warm water, pH 6.0-7.5, varied diet, and hiding places.
  • Can be kept with other peaceful fish of similar size in community tanks.
  • Feed small amounts 2-3 times a day to avoid overfeeding.
  • They are generally good for community tanks with non-aggressive tank mates.

Understanding and meeting the specific needs of German Blue Rams will ensure their vibrant beauty and dynamic behavior enhance your aquarium. Consistent care and a suitable environment are key to keeping these captivating fish healthy and happy.