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Cryptocoryne parva is the smallest one from all known crypts. Its leaves usually don't exceed 5 cm size and they have only green coloring
Cryptocoryne comes from Southeast Asia, Sri Lanka and the New Guinea. They are made of many rhizomes from which start the leaves, there are many varieties, each with its different morphology, however, talking about this aspect, the most important feature is the ability to adapt, is an aquatic varieties resistant to all types of waters, alkaline and acid. In the aquarium, it can happen that the crypto lose all the leaves, and then regenerate from rhizomes in a totally different color. They change their appearance depending on the condition, for example, with so much light are darken and grow bushier and low, with no much light instead get longer and brighter. Cryptocoryne is a slow-growing variety and being from Araceae family like Anubias, are very similar but the main difference is that the cryptocoryne are not epiphytes, so you cant positioned on driftwood or rocks, they need for this reason a substrate. We usually use this plant in the middle of the tank, but in some case and some variety you can planting on the front of aquarium.